I recently wrote a post on Instagram that discussed strangers comments to me while out with my two young kiddos. To be fair, on most days it looks like a circus. I'm pregnant and I'm out attempting to shop with a toddler whose favorite word is "no" and a baby that is perfectly content until I stop holding him (then tears and screams, people). After discussing my woes on social media, I resisted the urge to delete it right away and just allow myself to be vulnerable. I was so touched by the outpouring of encouragement and empathy. I'll still often catch myself justifying the baby saying this one was a "surprise" (which is true), but I want this baby to be more than just an accident or "oops". Deep in my heart, I know that this little girl is meant to be here and there are no accidents when it comes to little babies.
Each pregnancy is new and slightly different, but one thing that hasn't changed is how I carry my babies. While my mother was pregnant, she was stopped in a sporting goods store because they thought she was smuggling out a basketball. It sounds cliche, but it's true. I carry my babies very similar to her. What do you think? Does it look like I have a huge ball under this pretty dress?
recently read an article that discussed what you should do while you
are pregnant with your last baby. It mentioned to take all the weekly photos,
have a baby shower (yes, even for a 3rd baby), indulge in some cute maternity clothes...
all the the things that make pregnancy special the first time around.
As an additional reminder, at my last appointment the nurse reminded me to take care of myself
and baby, just like I had done with the other two. I had selfishly put
off the glucose test - First, who likes needles? Second, who likes that glucola drink? I didn't have gestational diabetes with the first
two, so I had somehow justified I am "off the hook" with this one too.
Silly I know.... but anyone who has taken that test knows exactly why I
put it off. The good news is, that I finally took the test and I once again do
not have gestational diabetes. I should have just taken the
darn test and realized I needed to place importance on taking care of myself and the baby from the
get-go. Self care for myself (and baby) is important. Lesson learned.
This beautiful pleated plum dress is by Pink Blush. I am absolutely in love with the lace detail at the top of the dress. I am currently 32 weeks along with our third child, a baby girl due in February.
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