Saturday, December 6, 2014

Chevron Wall DIY

So we did a little Pinterest-worthy chevron wall over Thanksgiving break! I think it turned out really well. The family really loved it and it changed up our stark white walls downstairs into something a bit more fun and modern. 
First, I began with vertical stripes using painter's tape. The lines on this wall are spaced 8 inches apart. 
Here's the painter's tape I recommend using - Scotch Tape Edge Lock 2080EL. Thank your local Home Depot for this wonderful tape.
For the next step, I created a chevron pattern alternating with downward and upward arrows every 2 columns. I used a variety of spacing so the pattern was a bit random. 
Next, the paint went on! Here's the hubs getting on the first coat. We covered the wall completely. 
This part was fun! We started removing the tape and bit by bit, our pattern was revealed!
Voila! The wall was done!
And now to add back our mirror... and add in the family. 
We are pretty pleased with how it turned out. What do you think? 


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